Important Capabilities
Capability | Status | Notes |
Column-level Lineage | ✅ | Enabled by default, can be disabled via configuration include_column_lineage |
Detect Deleted Entities | ✅ | Optionally enabled via stateful_ingestion.remove_stale_metadata |
Platform Instance | ✅ | Enabled by default |
This plugin extracts fivetran users, connectors, destinations and sync history. Supports both enterprise and standard versions.
Integration Details
This source extracts the following:
- Connectors in fivetran as Data Pipelines and Data Jobs to represent data lineage information between source and destination.
- Connector sources - DataJob input Datasets.
- Connector destination - DataJob output Datasets.
- Connector runs - DataProcessInstances as DataJob runs.
Configuration Notes
- Fivetran supports the fivetran platform connector to dump the log events and connectors, destinations, users and roles metadata in your destination.
- You need to setup and start the initial sync of the fivetran platform connector before using this source. Refer link.
- Once initial sync up of your fivetran platform connector is done, you need to provide the fivetran platform connector's destination platform and its configuration in the recipe.
Concept mapping
Fivetran | Datahub |
Connector | DataJob |
Source | Dataset |
Destination | Dataset |
Connector Run | DataProcessInstance |
Source and destination are mapped to Dataset as an Input and Output of Connector.
Current limitations
Works only for
- Snowflake destination
- Bigquery destination
Snowflake destination Configuration Guide
- If your fivetran platform connector destination is snowflake, you need to provide user details and its role with correct privileges in order to fetch metadata.
- Snowflake system admin can follow this guide to create a fivetran_datahub role, assign it the required privileges, and assign it to a user by executing the following Snowflake commands from a user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role or MANAGE GRANTS privilege.
create or replace role fivetran_datahub;
// Grant access to a warehouse to run queries to view metadata
grant operate, usage on warehouse "<your-warehouse>" to role fivetran_datahub;
// Grant access to view database and schema in which your log and metadata tables exist
grant usage on DATABASE "<fivetran-log-database>" to role fivetran_datahub;
grant usage on SCHEMA "<fivetran-log-database>"."<fivetran-log-schema>" to role fivetran_datahub;
// Grant access to execute select query on schema in which your log and metadata tables exist
grant select on all tables in SCHEMA "<fivetran-log-database>"."<fivetran-log-schema>" to role fivetran_datahub;
// Grant the fivetran_datahub to the snowflake user.
grant role fivetran_datahub to user snowflake_user;
Bigquery destination Configuration Guide
- If your fivetran platform connector destination is bigquery, you need to setup a ServiceAccount as per BigQuery docs and select BigQuery Data Viewer and BigQuery Job User IAM roles.
- Create and Download a service account JSON keyfile and provide bigquery connection credential in bigquery destination config.
Advanced Configurations
Working with Platform Instances
If you've multiple instances of source/destination systems that are referred in your fivetran
setup, you'd need to configure platform instance for these systems in fivetran
recipe to generate correct lineage edges. Refer the document Working with Platform Instances to understand more about this.
While configuration of platform instance for source system you need to provide connector id as key and for destination system provide destination id as key.
Example - Multiple Postgres Source Connectors each reading from different postgres instance
# Map of connector source to platform instance
platform_instance: cloud_postgres_instance
env: PROD
platform_instance: local_postgres_instance
env: DEV
Example - Multiple Snowflake Destinations each writing to different snowflake instance
# Map of destination to platform instance
platform_instance: prod_snowflake_instance
env: PROD
platform_instance: dev_snowflake_instance
env: PROD
CLI based Ingestion
Starter Recipe
Check out the following recipe to get started with ingestion! See below for full configuration options.
For general pointers on writing and running a recipe, see our main recipe guide.
type: fivetran
# Fivetran log connector destination server configurations
destination_platform: snowflake
# Optional - If destination platform is 'snowflake', provide snowflake configuration.
# Coordinates
account_id: "abc48144"
warehouse: "COMPUTE_WH"
database: "MY_SNOWFLAKE_DB"
log_schema: "FIVETRAN_LOG"
# Credentials
username: "${SNOWFLAKE_USER}"
password: "${SNOWFLAKE_PASS}"
role: "snowflake_role"
# Optional - If destination platform is 'bigquery', provide bigquery configuration.
# Credentials
private_key_id: "project_key_id"
project_id: "project_id"
client_email: "client_email"
client_id: "client_id"
private_key: "private_key"
dataset: "fivetran_log_dataset"
# Optional - filter for certain connector names instead of ingesting everything.
# connector_patterns:
# allow:
# - connector_name
# Optional -- A mapping of the connector's all sources to its database.
# sources_to_database:
# connector_id: source_db
# Optional -- This mapping is optional and only required to configure platform-instance for source
# A mapping of Fivetran connector id to data platform instance
# sources_to_platform_instance:
# connector_id:
# platform_instance: cloud_instance
# env: DEV
# Optional -- This mapping is optional and only required to configure platform-instance for destination.
# A mapping of Fivetran destination id to data platform instance
# destination_to_platform_instance:
# destination_id:
# platform_instance: cloud_instance
# env: DEV
# sink configs
Config Details
- Options
- Schema
Note that a .
is used to denote nested fields in the YAML recipe.
Field | Description |
fivetran_mode Enum | Mode of operation: 'enterprise' for log tables access, 'standard' for REST API, or 'auto' to detect. Default: auto |
history_sync_lookback_period integer | The number of days to look back when extracting connectors' sync history. Default: 7 |
include_column_lineage boolean | Populates table->table column lineage. Default: True |
platform_instance string | The instance of the platform that all assets produced by this recipe belong to. This should be unique within the platform. See for more details. |
env string | The environment that all assets produced by this connector belong to Default: PROD |
api_config FivetranAPIConfig | Fivetran REST API configuration for standard version. |
api_config.api_key ❓ string | Fivetran API key |
api_config.api_secret ❓ string | Fivetran API secret |
api_config.base_url string | Fivetran API base URL Default: |
api_config.request_timeout_sec integer | Request timeout in seconds Default: 30 |
connector_patterns AllowDenyPattern | Filtering regex patterns for connector names. Default: {'allow': ['.*'], 'deny': [], 'ignoreCase': True} |
connector_patterns.ignoreCase boolean | Whether to ignore case sensitivity during pattern matching. Default: True |
connector_patterns.allow array | List of regex patterns to include in ingestion Default: ['.*'] |
connector_patterns.allow.string string | |
connector_patterns.deny array | List of regex patterns to exclude from ingestion. Default: [] |
connector_patterns.deny.string string | |
destination_patterns AllowDenyPattern | Regex patterns for destination ids to filter in ingestion. Fivetran destination IDs are usually two word identifiers e.g. canyon_tolerable, and are not the same as the destination database name. They're visible in the Fivetran UI under Destinations -> Overview -> Destination Group ID. Default: {'allow': ['.*'], 'deny': [], 'ignoreCase': True} |
destination_patterns.ignoreCase boolean | Whether to ignore case sensitivity during pattern matching. Default: True |
destination_patterns.allow array | List of regex patterns to include in ingestion Default: ['.*'] |
destination_patterns.allow.string string | |
destination_patterns.deny array | List of regex patterns to exclude from ingestion. Default: [] |
destination_patterns.deny.string string | |
destination_to_platform_instance map(str,PlatformDetail) | |
destination_to_platform_instance. key .platformstring | Override the platform type detection. |
destination_to_platform_instance. key .databasestring | The database that all assets produced by this connector belong to. For destinations, this defaults to the fivetran log config's database. |
destination_to_platform_instance. key .include_schema_in_urnboolean | Include schema in the dataset URN. In some cases, the schema is not relevant to the dataset URN and Fivetran sets it to the source and destination table names in the connector. Default: True |
destination_to_platform_instance. key .platform_instancestring | The instance of the platform that all assets produced by this recipe belong to |
destination_to_platform_instance. key .envstring | The environment that all assets produced by DataHub platform ingestion source belong to Default: PROD |
fivetran_log_config FivetranLogConfig | Fivetran log connector destination server configurations for enterprise version. |
fivetran_log_config.destination_platform Enum | One of: "snowflake", "bigquery" Default: snowflake |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config BigQueryDestinationConfig | If destination platform is 'bigquery', provide bigquery configuration. |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.dataset ❓ string | The fivetran connector log dataset. |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.extra_client_options object | Additional options to pass to Default: {} |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.project_on_behalf string | [Advanced] The BigQuery project in which queries are executed. Will be passed when creating a job. If not passed, falls back to the project associated with the service account. |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential BigQueryCredential | BigQuery credential informations |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.client_email ❓ string | Client email |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.client_id ❓ string | Client Id |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.private_key ❓ string | Private key in a form of '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nprivate-key\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n' |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.private_key_id ❓ string | Private key id |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.project_id ❓ string | Project id to set the credentials |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.auth_provider_x509_cert_url string | Auth provider x509 certificate url |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.auth_uri string | Authentication uri |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.client_x509_cert_url string | If not set it will be default to |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.token_uri string | Token uri Default: |
fivetran_log_config.bigquery_destination_config.credential.type string | Authentication type Default: service_account |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config SnowflakeDestinationConfig | If destination platform is 'snowflake', provide snowflake configuration. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.account_id ❓ string | Snowflake account identifier. e.g. xy12345,,,, Refer Account Identifiers for more details. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.database ❓ string | The fivetran connector log database. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.log_schema ❓ string | The fivetran connector log schema. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.authentication_type string | The type of authenticator to use when connecting to Snowflake. Supports "DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATOR", "OAUTH_AUTHENTICATOR", "EXTERNAL_BROWSER_AUTHENTICATOR" and "KEY_PAIR_AUTHENTICATOR". Default: DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATOR |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.connect_args object | Connect args to pass to Snowflake SqlAlchemy driver |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.options object | Any options specified here will be passed to SQLAlchemy.create_engine as kwargs. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.password string(password) | Snowflake password. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.private_key string | Private key in a form of '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nprivate-key\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n' if using key pair authentication. Encrypted version of private key will be in a form of '-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\nencrypted-private-key\n-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\n' See: |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.private_key_password string(password) | Password for your private key. Required if using key pair authentication with encrypted private key. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.private_key_path string | The path to the private key if using key pair authentication. Ignored if private_key is set. See: |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.role string | Snowflake role. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.scheme string | Default: snowflake |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.token string | OAuth token from external identity provider. Not recommended for most use cases because it will not be able to refresh once expired. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.username string | Snowflake username. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.warehouse string | Snowflake warehouse. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config OAuthConfiguration | oauth configuration - |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config.authority_url ❓ string | Authority url of your identity provider |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config.client_id ❓ string | client id of your registered application |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config.provider ❓ Enum | Identity provider for oauth.Supported providers are microsoft and okta. |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config.scopes ❓ array | scopes required to connect to snowflake |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config.scopes.string string | |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config.client_secret string(password) | client secret of the application if use_certificate = false |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config.encoded_oauth_private_key string | base64 encoded private key content if use_certificate = true |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config.encoded_oauth_public_key string | base64 encoded certificate content if use_certificate = true |
fivetran_log_config.snowflake_destination_config.oauth_config.use_certificate boolean | Do you want to use certificate and private key to authenticate using oauth Default: False |
sources_to_platform_instance map(str,PlatformDetail) | |
sources_to_platform_instance. key .platformstring | Override the platform type detection. |
sources_to_platform_instance. key .databasestring | The database that all assets produced by this connector belong to. For destinations, this defaults to the fivetran log config's database. |
sources_to_platform_instance. key .include_schema_in_urnboolean | Include schema in the dataset URN. In some cases, the schema is not relevant to the dataset URN and Fivetran sets it to the source and destination table names in the connector. Default: True |
sources_to_platform_instance. key .platform_instancestring | The instance of the platform that all assets produced by this recipe belong to |
sources_to_platform_instance. key .envstring | The environment that all assets produced by DataHub platform ingestion source belong to Default: PROD |
stateful_ingestion StatefulStaleMetadataRemovalConfig | Fivetran Stateful Ingestion Config. |
stateful_ingestion.enabled boolean | Whether or not to enable stateful ingest. Default: True if a pipeline_name is set and either a datahub-rest sink or datahub_api is specified, otherwise False Default: False |
stateful_ingestion.remove_stale_metadata boolean | Soft-deletes the entities present in the last successful run but missing in the current run with stateful_ingestion enabled. Default: True |
The JSONSchema for this configuration is inlined below.
"title": "FivetranSourceConfig",
"description": "Base configuration class for stateful ingestion for source configs to inherit from.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"env": {
"title": "Env",
"description": "The environment that all assets produced by this connector belong to",
"default": "PROD",
"type": "string"
"platform_instance": {
"title": "Platform Instance",
"description": "The instance of the platform that all assets produced by this recipe belong to. This should be unique within the platform. See for more details.",
"type": "string"
"stateful_ingestion": {
"title": "Stateful Ingestion",
"description": "Fivetran Stateful Ingestion Config.",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/StatefulStaleMetadataRemovalConfig"
"fivetran_mode": {
"description": "Mode of operation: 'enterprise' for log tables access, 'standard' for REST API, or 'auto' to detect.",
"default": "auto",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/FivetranMode"
"fivetran_log_config": {
"title": "Fivetran Log Config",
"description": "Fivetran log connector destination server configurations for enterprise version.",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/FivetranLogConfig"
"api_config": {
"title": "Api Config",
"description": "Fivetran REST API configuration for standard version.",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/FivetranAPIConfig"
"connector_patterns": {
"title": "Connector Patterns",
"description": "Filtering regex patterns for connector names.",
"default": {
"allow": [
"deny": [],
"ignoreCase": true
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/AllowDenyPattern"
"destination_patterns": {
"title": "Destination Patterns",
"description": "Regex patterns for destination ids to filter in ingestion. Fivetran destination IDs are usually two word identifiers e.g. canyon_tolerable, and are not the same as the destination database name. They're visible in the Fivetran UI under Destinations -> Overview -> Destination Group ID.",
"default": {
"allow": [
"deny": [],
"ignoreCase": true
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/AllowDenyPattern"
"include_column_lineage": {
"title": "Include Column Lineage",
"description": "Populates table->table column lineage.",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"sources_to_platform_instance": {
"title": "Sources To Platform Instance",
"description": "A mapping from connector id to its platform/instance/env/database details.",
"default": {},
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/PlatformDetail"
"destination_to_platform_instance": {
"title": "Destination To Platform Instance",
"description": "A mapping of destination id to its platform/instance/env details.",
"default": {},
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/PlatformDetail"
"history_sync_lookback_period": {
"title": "History Sync Lookback Period",
"description": "The number of days to look back when extracting connectors' sync history.",
"default": 7,
"type": "integer"
"additionalProperties": false,
"definitions": {
"DynamicTypedStateProviderConfig": {
"title": "DynamicTypedStateProviderConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"description": "The type of the state provider to use. For DataHub use `datahub`",
"type": "string"
"config": {
"title": "Config",
"description": "The configuration required for initializing the state provider. Default: The datahub_api config if set at pipeline level. Otherwise, the default DatahubClientConfig. See the defaults (",
"default": {},
"type": "object"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"StatefulStaleMetadataRemovalConfig": {
"title": "StatefulStaleMetadataRemovalConfig",
"description": "Base specialized config for Stateful Ingestion with stale metadata removal capability.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"enabled": {
"title": "Enabled",
"description": "Whether or not to enable stateful ingest. Default: True if a pipeline_name is set and either a datahub-rest sink or `datahub_api` is specified, otherwise False",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"remove_stale_metadata": {
"title": "Remove Stale Metadata",
"description": "Soft-deletes the entities present in the last successful run but missing in the current run with stateful_ingestion enabled.",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"additionalProperties": false
"FivetranMode": {
"title": "FivetranMode",
"description": "Mode of operation for Fivetran connector.",
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"OAuthIdentityProvider": {
"title": "OAuthIdentityProvider",
"description": "An enumeration.",
"enum": [
"OAuthConfiguration": {
"title": "OAuthConfiguration",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"provider": {
"description": "Identity provider for oauth.Supported providers are microsoft and okta.",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/OAuthIdentityProvider"
"authority_url": {
"title": "Authority Url",
"description": "Authority url of your identity provider",
"type": "string"
"client_id": {
"title": "Client Id",
"description": "client id of your registered application",
"type": "string"
"scopes": {
"title": "Scopes",
"description": "scopes required to connect to snowflake",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"use_certificate": {
"title": "Use Certificate",
"description": "Do you want to use certificate and private key to authenticate using oauth",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"client_secret": {
"title": "Client Secret",
"description": "client secret of the application if use_certificate = false",
"type": "string",
"writeOnly": true,
"format": "password"
"encoded_oauth_public_key": {
"title": "Encoded Oauth Public Key",
"description": "base64 encoded certificate content if use_certificate = true",
"type": "string"
"encoded_oauth_private_key": {
"title": "Encoded Oauth Private Key",
"description": "base64 encoded private key content if use_certificate = true",
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"SnowflakeDestinationConfig": {
"title": "SnowflakeDestinationConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"options": {
"title": "Options",
"description": "Any options specified here will be passed to [SQLAlchemy.create_engine]( as kwargs.",
"type": "object"
"scheme": {
"title": "Scheme",
"default": "snowflake",
"type": "string"
"username": {
"title": "Username",
"description": "Snowflake username.",
"type": "string"
"password": {
"title": "Password",
"description": "Snowflake password.",
"type": "string",
"writeOnly": true,
"format": "password"
"private_key": {
"title": "Private Key",
"description": "Private key in a form of '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nprivate-key\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n' if using key pair authentication. Encrypted version of private key will be in a form of '-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\\nencrypted-private-key\\n-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\\n' See:",
"type": "string"
"private_key_path": {
"title": "Private Key Path",
"description": "The path to the private key if using key pair authentication. Ignored if `private_key` is set. See:",
"type": "string"
"private_key_password": {
"title": "Private Key Password",
"description": "Password for your private key. Required if using key pair authentication with encrypted private key.",
"type": "string",
"writeOnly": true,
"format": "password"
"oauth_config": {
"title": "Oauth Config",
"description": "oauth configuration -",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/OAuthConfiguration"
"authentication_type": {
"title": "Authentication Type",
"description": "The type of authenticator to use when connecting to Snowflake. Supports \"DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATOR\", \"OAUTH_AUTHENTICATOR\", \"EXTERNAL_BROWSER_AUTHENTICATOR\" and \"KEY_PAIR_AUTHENTICATOR\".",
"type": "string"
"account_id": {
"title": "Account Id",
"description": "Snowflake account identifier. e.g. xy12345,,,, Refer [Account Identifiers]( for more details.",
"type": "string"
"warehouse": {
"title": "Warehouse",
"description": "Snowflake warehouse.",
"type": "string"
"role": {
"title": "Role",
"description": "Snowflake role.",
"type": "string"
"connect_args": {
"title": "Connect Args",
"description": "Connect args to pass to Snowflake SqlAlchemy driver",
"type": "object"
"token": {
"title": "Token",
"description": "OAuth token from external identity provider. Not recommended for most use cases because it will not be able to refresh once expired.",
"type": "string"
"database": {
"title": "Database",
"description": "The fivetran connector log database.",
"type": "string"
"log_schema": {
"title": "Log Schema",
"description": "The fivetran connector log schema.",
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"BigQueryCredential": {
"title": "BigQueryCredential",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"project_id": {
"title": "Project Id",
"description": "Project id to set the credentials",
"type": "string"
"private_key_id": {
"title": "Private Key Id",
"description": "Private key id",
"type": "string"
"private_key": {
"title": "Private Key",
"description": "Private key in a form of '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nprivate-key\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n'",
"type": "string"
"client_email": {
"title": "Client Email",
"description": "Client email",
"type": "string"
"client_id": {
"title": "Client Id",
"description": "Client Id",
"type": "string"
"auth_uri": {
"title": "Auth Uri",
"description": "Authentication uri",
"default": "",
"type": "string"
"token_uri": {
"title": "Token Uri",
"description": "Token uri",
"default": "",
"type": "string"
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": {
"title": "Auth Provider X509 Cert Url",
"description": "Auth provider x509 certificate url",
"default": "",
"type": "string"
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"description": "Authentication type",
"default": "service_account",
"type": "string"
"client_x509_cert_url": {
"title": "Client X509 Cert Url",
"description": "If not set it will be default to",
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"BigQueryDestinationConfig": {
"title": "BigQueryDestinationConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"credential": {
"title": "Credential",
"description": "BigQuery credential informations",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/BigQueryCredential"
"extra_client_options": {
"title": "Extra Client Options",
"description": "Additional options to pass to",
"default": {},
"type": "object"
"project_on_behalf": {
"title": "Project On Behalf",
"description": "[Advanced] The BigQuery project in which queries are executed. Will be passed when creating a job. If not passed, falls back to the project associated with the service account.",
"type": "string"
"dataset": {
"title": "Dataset",
"description": "The fivetran connector log dataset.",
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"FivetranLogConfig": {
"title": "FivetranLogConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"destination_platform": {
"title": "Destination Platform",
"description": "The destination platform where fivetran connector log tables are dumped.",
"default": "snowflake",
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"snowflake_destination_config": {
"title": "Snowflake Destination Config",
"description": "If destination platform is 'snowflake', provide snowflake configuration.",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/SnowflakeDestinationConfig"
"bigquery_destination_config": {
"title": "Bigquery Destination Config",
"description": "If destination platform is 'bigquery', provide bigquery configuration.",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/BigQueryDestinationConfig"
"additionalProperties": false
"FivetranAPIConfig": {
"title": "FivetranAPIConfig",
"description": "Configuration for the Fivetran API client.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"api_key": {
"title": "Api Key",
"description": "Fivetran API key",
"type": "string"
"api_secret": {
"title": "Api Secret",
"description": "Fivetran API secret",
"type": "string"
"base_url": {
"title": "Base Url",
"description": "Fivetran API base URL",
"default": "",
"type": "string"
"request_timeout_sec": {
"title": "Request Timeout Sec",
"description": "Request timeout in seconds",
"default": 30,
"type": "integer"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"AllowDenyPattern": {
"title": "AllowDenyPattern",
"description": "A class to store allow deny regexes",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"allow": {
"title": "Allow",
"description": "List of regex patterns to include in ingestion",
"default": [
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"deny": {
"title": "Deny",
"description": "List of regex patterns to exclude from ingestion.",
"default": [],
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"ignoreCase": {
"title": "Ignorecase",
"description": "Whether to ignore case sensitivity during pattern matching.",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"additionalProperties": false
"PlatformDetail": {
"title": "PlatformDetail",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"platform": {
"title": "Platform",
"description": "Override the platform type detection.",
"type": "string"
"platform_instance": {
"title": "Platform Instance",
"description": "The instance of the platform that all assets produced by this recipe belong to",
"type": "string"
"env": {
"title": "Env",
"description": "The environment that all assets produced by DataHub platform ingestion source belong to",
"default": "PROD",
"type": "string"
"database": {
"title": "Database",
"description": "The database that all assets produced by this connector belong to. For destinations, this defaults to the fivetran log config's database.",
"type": "string"
"include_schema_in_urn": {
"title": "Include Schema In Urn",
"description": "Include schema in the dataset URN. In some cases, the schema is not relevant to the dataset URN and Fivetran sets it to the source and destination table names in the connector.",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"additionalProperties": false
Code Coordinates
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If you've got any questions on configuring ingestion for Fivetran, feel free to ping us on our Slack.